Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
UGa-7719 18BA464 (Spur)
UGa-777 40CF107 (Eoff III)
UGa-7816 9520 ± 90
UGA-7830 SUNK-1592 (Hornillos 2) 7430 ± 80 -25.0
UGA-790 26CK1183 (Burial Site)
UGa-790 26CK1183 (Burial Site)
UGA-791 26CK415 (Flaherty Rock Shelter)
UGa-791 26CK415 (Flaherty Rock Shelter)
UGA-793 26CK501 (Bernie/Shelter Site)
UGa-793 26CK2027 (Steve Perkins Site)
UGA-794 26CK501 (Bernie/Shelter Site)
UGa-794 26CK501 (Bernie/Shelter Site)
UGa-7949 16TA99 (Timany LeBlanc Hill) 3710 ± 80 -8.1
UGA-795 26CK501 (Bernie/Shelter Site)
UGa-795 26CK501 (Bernie/Shelter Site)
UGa-7950 16LV5 (Head of Island) 1450 ± 60 -8.84
UGA-796 26CK304 (R and K site)
UGa-796 26CK304 (R and K site)
UGA-797 26CK304 (R and K site)
UGa-797 26CK304 (R and K site)
UGA-798 26CK415 (Flaherty Rock Shelter)
UGa-798 26CK415 (Flaherty Rock Shelter)
UGA-799 26CK415 (Flaherty Rock Shelter)
UGa-799 26CK415 (Flaherty Rock Shelter)
UGa-7B 9CY1
UGa-8/ML-8 9DD25 (Tunacunhee)
UGA-800 26CK300 (Mule Spring Rockshelter)
UGa-800 26CK300 (Mule Spring Rockshelter)
UGA-801 26CK300 (Mule Spring Rockshelter)