Johnston and Cassavoy, 1978

Samples that cite this reference

Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
S-3280 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 0 -25.0
BGS-1456 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 70 ± 70 -25.0
S-3281 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 120 ± 70 -25.0
BGS-1454 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 140 ± 70 -25.0
BGS-1453 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 150 ± 70 -25.0
S-3278 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 190 ± 70 -25.0
S-3277 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 200 ± 70 -25.0
S-3384 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 200 ± 50 -25.0
S-3385 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 240 ± 50 -25.0
BGS-1715 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 305 ± 70 -28.95
BGS-1710 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 310 ± 70 -26.87
BGS-1712 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 320 ± 70 -25.69
BGS-1457 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 320 ± 70 -25.0
BGS-1714 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 395 ± 70 -28.4
BGS-1713 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 420 ± 80 -29.4
BGS-1716 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 430 ± 70 -26.93
BGS-1707 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 440 ± 70 -26.97
BGS-1708 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 440 ± 70 -27.3
BGS-1706 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 445 ± 70 -29.64
BGS-1711 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 445 ± 70 -26.11
BGS-1709 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 495 ± 70 -27.16
BGS-1458 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 2980 ± 80 -25.0
S-3279 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 2990 ± 80 -25.0
BGS-1455 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 4410 ± 80 -25.0
S-3282 BdGu-___6 (Atherley Narrows) ON 4600 ± 90 -25.0