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Allendale County / 38AL11 (Lawton)


Lab number Site Province / State Normalized age δ13C (per mil)
Beta-131099 38AL11 (Lawton) 640 ± 50 -25.5
Beta-131100 38AL11 (Lawton) -27.1
Beta-132944 38AL11 (Lawton) 660 ± 40 -26.4
Beta-145500 38AL11 (Lawton) 700 ± 40 -25.4
Beta-145502 38AL11 (Lawton) 660 ± 40 -24.6
UGAMS-1261 38AL11 (Lawton) 741 ± 45 -26.12
UGAMS-1262 38AL11 (Lawton) 691 ± 43 -26.28
UGAMS-1263 38AL11 (Lawton) 903 ± 57 -24.74
UGAMS-1282 38AL11 (Lawton) 666 ± 43 -26.84