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Lab number
Material dated
Type of date
Date uploaded
January 15, 2024
Wyoming team
Date updated
December 31, 2020
Measured Age
1240 ± 90
Wood charcoal from Hearth C-1, a deep, circular basin filled with charcoal, charcoal-stained earth, and stones. Basin meas. 30 x 35 cm in dia., ca. 15 cm deep. Sides and floor were oxidized to a max. depth of 7 mm. Fill: 17 stones, 3 - 10 cm in dia. were recovered from the fill, all but 4 of which were oxidized. No artifacts in fill. Not clear whether Lithic Workshop H SW of the hearth is related to the hearth or to a younger component representated by punctate Pottery found in Area C.Unit 4 was absent from the stratigraphic sequence, and Hearth C-1 appears to have been dug from the surface of Unit 3, then subsequently buried by 3-5 cm of sediments and by a surface duff layer.Twelve oxidied stones, 20 - 50 cm of the hearth may have been piled there after removal from the basin; stones were 3 - 15 cm in dia. NW of the hearth and along its E margin, was a mixture of subsoil and charcoal-stained earth, suggesting claning and re-use on at least one occasion.
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