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- Lab number
- GSC-14392
- Field number
- CMC- 281
- Material dated
- charcoal; charbon de bois
- Locality
- Prince Rupert Harbour, British Columbia
- Map sheet
- 103 J/08
- Submitter
- G.F. MacDonald
- Date submitted
- March 27, 2002
- Date uploaded
- February 14, 2020
- Measured Age
- 2250 ± 170
- Normalized Age
- 2240 ± 170
- δ13C (per mil)
- -25.5
- Significance
- Prince Rupert 2
- Context
- square J20, S0.7/W3.0, 0.6 m below datum, 5 cm into black level, to date the earliest occupation of the site; same sample as GaK-1877
- Additional information
- 5 cm into top of black layer; elevation equivalent to above maximum high tide; Haynes' (1966) treatment
- Comments
- GbTo-18, Dodge Island: This small island is half covered by a shell midden up to 3 m thick, underlain by thick humus containing chipped stone implements. MacDonald believes that GaK-1876 may have been contaminated by ground water saturation. However, the recent date may reflect a shift in settlement pattern to areas farther from the beach due to the growth of the village. The same applies to GaK-1877, from a level slightly below GaK-1876. GSC-1439 tends to confirm GaK-1877. GaK-1879 was from the base of the cultural deposit, on top of sterile gravel, and is confirmed by other basal dates from the coast which suggest a maximum age of about 5000 years for shell midden. The same comment applies to GaK-1880.