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Lab number
Material dated
wapiti bone collagen; collagène osseux de wapiti
Taxa dated
Cervus elaphus rib
right (east) bank of Smoky River, 410 m asl, just downstream from the mouth of Little Smoky River, 4.5 south of the town of Watino, Peace drainage, Alberta
Map sheet
83 N/12
J.A. Burns
Date submitted
September 22, 0098
Measured Age
9920 ± 220
Normalized Age
10000 ± 220
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
Wakaluk gravel pit on the middle terrace of three terraces, on medium-grained brown sand
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Cervus elaphus
GkQj-VP, Watino wapiti: The antler dated by S-2614 had been covered with Saran wrap and cast in plaster, raising the possibility of contamination as the date was somewhat younger than expected. AECV-272C, on rib fragments from the same wapiti skeleton, is nearly a millennium older. Burns notes that the older date agrees closely with GSC-2895 and GSC-2902 from gravel pits nearer the town of Watino.

