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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp.
right (south) bank of Crowsnest River, about 4 km above its confluence with Oldman River, Alberta
Map sheet
82 G/09
S. Van Dyke
Date submitted
January 15, 0098
Normalized Age
9600 ± 210
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoindian, Alberta; Paléoindien
Stratigraphic component
Level 24
Level 24, 225-245 cm depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison bison, Spermophilus sp, Leporidae, Canidae, Cervidae? (small ungulate, possibly deer)
DjPm-16, J-Crossing: Among the campsites studied by Van Dyke and others (1991) in the Oldman River valley, only two yielded material assigned to the Palaeoindian period. At the J-Crossing site, cultural material unit 5 included 2661 artifacts associated with a burial soil at 220-265 cm depth. This was assigned to an Alberta subcomponent on the basis of a poorly preserved projectile point that, missing its base, might have been either notched or stemmed. Another point is a stem fragment that might have belonged to either a Pryor Stemmed or a Scottsbluff point. A stemmed end scraper is believed to have been reworked from a projectile point with similarities to points from the Lindoe site, Medicine Lodge Creek, Lind Coulee, and the Parman series of the northwestern Great Basin. Exotic lithic materials include Avon chert (n=50), Montana chert (6), Swan River chert (5), Knife River Flint (3), and one each of Top-of-the-World chert, Banff chert, and Etherington chert. The faunal assemblage includes bison (MNI-1), rabbit or hare (2), a small ungulate (deer?), a canid, and unidentified rodents. Among these, the bison and lagomorph bones were burned.

