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Lab number
Material dated
caribou bone collagen; collagène osseux de caribou
Taxa dated
Rangifer tarandus
about 800 m northwest of Ivujivik, 23 m asl, 100 m from the Hudson Strait coast, Nouveau-Québec region, Québec
Map sheet
35 K/05
M. Nagy
Date submitted
April 8, 0098
Normalized Age
2520 ± 80
Palaeoeskimo, Predorset/Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Predorset/Dorset
area A, units N10/E9 and N10/E10, level 2
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Delphinapterus leucas, Erignathus barbatus, Phoca sp, Odobenus rosmarus, Rangifer tarandus, Ursus maritimus, Alopex lagopus; Aves, Branta canadensis, Anas, Mergini, Uria lomvia
KcFr-3A, Ohituk: This site consists of three areas (A-C) with two radiocarbon dates available from area A. The artifacts associate area A with an Early Dorset occupation, but the two radiocarbon dates are not concordant with one another. Nagy (1997: 87-88) considers several alternatives to explain the discrepancy between the dates and favours the possibility that the site was repeatedly occupied. The caribou bones dated by AECV-1795 would belong to an older occupation during which most of the artifacts were deposited, and the charcoal dated by Beta-62290 would represent a later, brief occupation with few artifacts left at the site. Given this interpretation, it is assumed that the faunal remains are more reliably associated with the older date.

