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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
caribou bone collagen; collagène osseux de caribou
Taxa dated
Rangifer tarandus
on the southeastern shore of Richards Island, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
107 C/06
C.D. Arnold
Date submitted
October 13, 0097
Normalized Age
360 ± 90
Neoeskimo, Mackenzie Inuit; Néoesquimau
Stratigraphic component
Area 3, House 1
Area 3, House 1, near the floor, composite sample
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Rangifer tarandus
NiTs-1, Gupuk: This is a Mackenzie Inuit winter village abandoned, according to historical evidence, in the first half of the 19th century. It extends along the bank of Mackenzie River for about 800 m. Erosion has destroyed many houses at this site, but 21 remain more or less intact, and five of these have been excavated. In addition to houses, an exceptionally rich midden, frozen to within a few cm of the surface, yielded abundant wood fragments, bones, and artifacts. Faunal remains from the midden have been studied by Balkwill and Rick (1994) and by Friesen (n.d.).

