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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
in the Porcupine Hills, 1060 m asl, 16 km west of Fort MacLeod, Oldman drainage, Alberta
Map sheet
82 H/12
J.W. Brink
Date submitted
January 23, 0098
Measured Age
3790 ± 190
Normalized Age
3870 ± 190
δ13C (per mil)
Archaic, Mummy Cave; Archaïque
Stratigraphic component
1.8-2.1 m depth, to redate the terminal Mummy Cave use of the kill site
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
DkPj-1, Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump: This is the largest known buffalo jump in the northern Plains, measuring 244 m long and 60 m wide, with an average depth of 6 m and a maximum depth of 12 m. The deposits contain, from top to bottom, late prehistoric side-notched points of the Old Women's phase, Avonlea, Besant, Pelican Lake, Hanna, and the Mummy Cave series. Eighteen radiocarbon dates were obtained from Reeves' 1966 excavation in the kill area of the site for which Reeves (1978) provided a summary report. Jack Brink and others conducted extensive excavations in the processing and campsite areas east of the kill area during several field seasons in the 1980s. Bryan Kooyman conducted additional excavations in the kill area immediately adjoining the "north" area tested by Reeves.

