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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. (id. by J.J. Leyden)
just north of Saskatoon, in the Opimihaw Creek valley, Wanuskewin Heritage Park, South Saskatchewan drainage, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
73 B/02
J.J. Leyden
Date submitted
March 8, 2006
Normalized Age
3382 ± 55
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Archaic, Duncan-Hanna; Archaïque moyen
Stratigraphic component
Level 5
Level 5b, the middle one of three sub-levels of Level 5
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison bison (see also S-3645)
Additional information
AMS date
FbNp-25, Thundercloud: This site is located a point bar extending into the creek valley from the east. Sedimentation was primarily alluvial, augmented by a few colluvial episodes. The site was excavated 1993-1998 by the University of Saskatchewan field school, mainly under the direction of Lis Mack and Ernest G. Walker, and an analysis of the fauna and floral assemblages has been presented by Sean Webster (1999). Ten occupation levels can be distinguished only locally, and there are seven nominal levels with considerable stratigraphic compression in the upper three. As Webster (2004: 33) summarizes the sequence, Levels 1 and 2 occurred immediately below the sod within a single broad soil horizon. Level 1 yielded metal, Plains Triangular, Plains side-notched, and Prairie side-notched points. Level 2 contained Plains Triangular, Plains and Prairie side-notched, and Avonlea Triangular points. Level 3 includes two components with Avonlea and Besant artifacts. Level 4 was initially thought to represent the McKean series, but a Pelican Lake point was identified there and is consistent with BGS-2370. Level 5 contains at least three occupations by members of the McKean series, including McKean lanceolate, Duncan, and Hanna points. Level 6 includes two Oxbow components, and Level 7 was heavily eroded and lacked diagnostic artifacts. Four dates are available for three McKean series occupations in Level 5, and one date has been reported for a Pelican Lake component in Level 4.

