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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
Saskatchewan River, 2.5 km below the confluence of the North Saskatchewan and South Saskatchewan Rivers, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
73 H/03
D. Meyer
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
4060 ± 270
Normalized Age
4140 ± 270
δ13C (per mil)
Archaic, Mummy Cave, anomalous, young; Archaïque, anormal, jeune
face of the cutbank, squares 11S/1E, 12S/2E, and 11S/3E, 176-183 cm depth
FhNg-25, Below Forks: This site is situated on a valley bottom flood plain of the Saskatchewan River. Three dates obtained in 1980 on the lowest level appeared to signify an occupation affiliated with the Mummy Cave series, but no projectile points had been found. Renewed investigation in 2001 uncovered a side/corner-notched projectile point, a point preform, and a worked bone rod, providing confirmation of the suspected cultural affiliation. Two AMS dates also confirmed the age of the deposit, ca. 6000 BP.

