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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. metacarpal (200 g, id. by J.M. Quigg)
on a narrow terrace just west of the mouth of an unnamed creek, on the south bank of the Saskatchewan River, 10.5 km upstream from the Francois-Finlay Dam, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
73 H/08
D. Meyer
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
4295 ± 85
Normalized Age
4375 ± 85
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Archaic, McKean; Archaïque moyen
Stratigraphic component
Component 4
component 4, western block, level 7, XU 13n17w, 65 cm depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia 4877: Artiodactyla, Bison bison 67, Alces alces 50, Cervus elaphus 8, Canis familiaris 153, Castor canadensis 5, Mephitis mephitis 9, Lepus americanus 31; Aves 2: Tympanuchus phasianellus? 1; Pisces 145: Catostomus sp 7; Mollusca: Unionidae 30, Dentalium 1
FhNa-86, Crown: This is a multi-component site for which 17 radiocarbon dates have been obtained. The first radiocarbon sample (S-1583) was recovered from a test pit that yielded no diagnostic artifacts, but the other samples are attributed to Late Prehistoric, Hanna, and McKean occupations or to unidentified sparse scatters of cultural remains in the middle and at the bottom of the sequence (Quigg 1986: Table 2.1). Quigg (1986: 20) notes that the "natural stratigraphy is quite complex, with 130 cm of cultural deposits in the east block..., while compressed and merging deposits thin to 65 cm towards the western end of the site." Unfortunately, it is very difficult to determine the precise associations between the radiocarbon dates and the projectile points, because the former are reported with depth measurements in centimetres below surface while depths for the latter are given in terms of numbered levels. Eight radiocarbon samples were submitted through ASC/CMC, and level numbers are shown on the original forms. From these data and Quigg's detailed report, it is possible to infer the associations between dates and points in some detail. The eastern and western blocks are presented separately. Quigg (1986: 33) found it necessary to reject only two of these dates (S-2557 and S-2524). In the eastern excavation block, Level 1 yielded three late side-notched projectile points, and Level 2 produced one point fragment. Level 3 contained one Hanna and one Oxbow point, and a date on wapiti antler (S-2557) was rejected by Quigg. Level 4 yielded one Hanna and one Mummy Cave point, along with a date on 80 ungulate bone fragments (S-2292). Level 5 produced eight Hanna points, but no dates, and Level 6 yielded four Hanna points, one McKean point and two dates (S-2291, S-2554) on ungulate bone fragments that can be averaged. Level 7 contained no diagnostic artifacts, but carbonaceous soil gave a date (S-2519). Level 8 yielded one McKean point and a date on bison bone (S-2526). Levels 9-12 lacked diagnostic artifacts. From Level 9, 45 canid bones were submitted for a date (S-2369), and from Level 10, 8 ungulate bone fragments yielded a date (S-2521). Level 11 was not dated, but three humerus fragments from Level 12 produced a date (S-2520). The lowest level lacked diagnostic artifacts but was dated on carbonaceous soil (S-2522). In the western excavation block, Level 1 contained four late side-notched points and one Hanna point. Level 2 yielded one late side-notched point, bossed Laurel pottery and two dates (S-2527, S-2555) that can be averaged. Below an apparent temporal hiatus, Level 3 contained no diagnostic artifacts, but an ungulate bone fragment yielded a date (S-2556). Level 4, with one Hanna point and one McKean point, and Level 5, with one Hanna and three McKean points, were not dated. Level 6, with one Hanna and ten McKean points, produced a date on a bison radius (S-2524) that was rejected by Quigg. Level 7 lacked diagnostic artifacts but was dated on 40 ungulate bone fragments (S-2290) and a bison metacarpal (S-2525) with results that can be averaged. Level 8 yielded two McKean points but was not dated. It seems reasonable to reject the date on antler from Level 3 of the eastern block, but I can see no reason to reject S-2524 on Level 6 from the western block. The latter is consistent with the stratigraphy and seems reasonable in relation to dates on Levels 3 and 7. The primary extended burial of a young child was recovered from a shallow pit beneath the Hanna occupation floor of Component 2 (Walker, 1984a: 145-146).

