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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp.
Dunfermline Sand Hills, 506 m asl, about 16 km northwest of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
73 B/02
U. Linnamae
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
920 ± 45
Normalized Age
1000 ± 50
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Prairie; Sylvicole
cultural level 3, 40-50 cm below datum
Associated taxa
see S-669
FbNr-1, Tschetter: This site is a single component bison pound that was tested by Dyck (1972b) in 1971 and excavated by a University of Saskatchewan field school from 1971 to 1976 (Prentice 1983; Linnamae 1988). Two radiocarbon dates resulted from this work. In 1980, Linnamae returned to search for a campsite that might be associated with the pound, excavating eight square meters somewhat south of the bone bed and collecting a third radiocarbon sample. About 270 projectile points represent 55% of the lithic artifacts, and all are of the Prairie side-notched type. Tschetter is the youngest of seven sites included in Leyden's (2004) study of southern Saskatchewan bison palaeoecology. Leyden attempted to confirm the age of the site with an AMS date, but the anomalously young date suggests that a bison bone unrelated to the Tschetter occupation had been submitted.

