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Lab number
Material dated
Taxa dated
Picea needles
Type of date
Date uploaded
January 15, 2024
Wyoming team
Date updated
December 31, 2020
Normalized Age
1875 ± 55
δ13C (per mil)
Charred Picea needles, Feature 4. A shallow basin hearth and pile of hearth-cleanout material east of the mine. Was excavated in 1993. Situated in the bed of a trail. Meas 26 x 45 cm in dia., 7 cm deep. Was likely larger and deeper originally. A 1-cm thick layer of charcoal blanketed its floor SW side. No FCR present. Oxidized on the the center of the floor of the hearth. Waste flakes (n = 217) and bone scrap(n = 64, all calcined) were abundant in the basin. Almost half the flakes were spalled and otherwise heat altered. Other artifacts in fill: 2 biface frags., 4 tool edge frags. , and 5 utilized flakes. Considered to be L. Archaic in age. Coney Lake complex, based on the basal portion of a Coney Lake proj pt found near the hearth. Four other proj pts or hafted knives of the same stype were collected from the meadow directly N of the trail at this location.

