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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
just north of Saskatoon, on the left bank of the South Saskatchewan River, within Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
73 B/02
C. Ramsay
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
3660 ± 75
Normalized Age
3740 ± 80
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Archaic, Hanna; Archaïque moyen
Stratigraphic component
Level 12b
Level 12b, unit 121n/111e, SW quad, Ahkb24, very dark grey sandy loam, 114-116 cm depth
Associated taxa
(see S-3373)
FbNp-10, Red Tail: A 50 square metre excavation block penetrated 15 occupation levels, and seven dates have been obtained on samples of bison bone from Hanna and McKean components analyzed by Ramsay (1993). Avonlea, Besant and Pelican Lake materials occur in higher levels, but specific cultural assignments have not been completed. Level 11 is a Hanna component with one date (S-3372). Two dates on subdivisions of Level 12 (S-3373, S-3008) can be averaged for the age of a second Hanna component. Level 13 is stratigraphically complex and has been subdivided into four provisional sublevels that contain the McKean cultural record at this site. Sublevel 13b has two dates (S-3374, S-3375) that can be averaged. Sublevel 13d provided a single, much older date (S-3009) that cannot be averaged with the dates from Sublevel 13b. At the bottom of the excavation is Level 15 with no diagnostic artifacts but one radiocarbon date (S-3007).

