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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. innominate (334 g, id. by E.G. Walker)
just north of Saskatoon, on a prominent point bar at the mouth of Opimihaw Creek, Wanuskewin Heritage Park, South Saskatchewan drainage, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
73 B/02
E.G. Walker
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
510 ± 70
Normalized Age
590 ± 75
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Plains; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Level 5
Level 5, Area A, unit 462s/55e, paleosol in alluvium
Associated taxa
Mammalia 4385, Bison bison 133, Canis sp 5, Castor canadensis 5, Vulpes sp 1, Leporidae 88, Lepus americanus 1, Mustelidae 1, Sciuridae 63, Spermophilus 10, Spermophilus richardsonii 14, Sorex sp 17, Sorex cinereus or Sorex haydeni 5, Rodentia 641, Sigmodontinae or Zapodidae 6, Sigmodontinae 13, Onychomys leucogaster 9, Peromyscus sp 2, Arvicolinae 43, Clethrionomys gapperi 9, Aves Reptilia Amphibia Pisces
FbNp-1, Tipperary Creek: At least 20 occupation levels have been recognized on paleosols buried by overbank sedimentation, and 15 of these have been dated by radiocarbon. Since the appearance of previous publications mentioning some of these dates (Morlan 1988, 1993; Walker 1988b; Walker, et al. 1986, 1987), analysis of continuous stratigraphic profiles through trenches linking the two main site areas has revealed the need to re-number some of the levels in Area A to make them correspond to the numbering of a larger excavation in Area D. The level assignments of four radiocarbon samples have been changed, and three new radiocarbon dates have been obtained. Level 1 is protohistoric in age (S-2805) and yielded a Plains side-notched point along with artifacts of metal and glass. Level 2 produced Plains side-notched points and a date on bone (S-2806). Levels 3 and 4, with Plains side-notched points, were dated on charcoal (S-2807, S-2808). Level 5, with Plains side-notched points, was dated on bone (S-2809). Level 6 contained both Plains and Prairie side-notched points, and a date was obtained on bone (S-2810). The same point types occurred in Level 6a (previously numbered Level 7) with a date on charcoal (S-2811). In Level 7 (previously numbered Level 8) there was pottery but no points, and a date was obtained on bone (S-2812). Similarly, Level 8 (previously numbered Level 9) yielded pottery but no points, along with a date on bone (S-2813). Level 9 has not been dated. Level 10, with a date on bone (S-2814), yielded only a fragment of a point belonging to the side-notched series. A date on bone from Area A (S-2815), previously assigned to Level 11, is now known to belong to Level 12. Avonlea points were recovered from Level 12, and a date on a bison atlas from Area D (Beta-70705) can be averaged with S-2815. Level 13, with Besant points, has been dated with a bison femur from Area D (S-2885). Deeper levels of the site lack diagnostic artifacts, but three levels have been dated. Level 14 has a date on bone from Area A (S-2816) that was originally assigned to Level 12. This is an important reassignment, because S-2816 was previously thought to belong to the Avonlea complex and was the oldest Avonlea date on the northern Plains (Morlan 1988, 1993). In the deeper portions of the site, only some of the numbered levels have yielded evidence of human occupation. Level 19 has been dated with a bison scapula (Beta-70706), and Level 25 with a bison sacrum (Beta-70707). Neither of these levels produced diagnostic artifacts. The first date obtained from this site (S-2368) was on a sample from a backhoe trench, and its position in the sequence is unknown. Fauna: Microtus sp 32, Microtus ochrogaster 2, Microtus pennsylvanicus 35, Zapodidae 18, Zapus sp 6; Aves 162, Scolopacidae 1, Passeriformes 2, Eremophila alpestris 1, Hirundinidae 2, Riparia riparia 10, Troglodytidae 1, Catharus sp 7, Catharus minimus cf. 3, Turdus migratorius 1, Anthus sp 10, Emberizidae 6, Emberizidae sp or Carduelis sp 3, cf. Parulinae 1, Dendroica sp 1, Emberizinae 6, Emberizinae or Parulinae 4, Passerculus sandwichensis 1, Junco hyemalis 1, Fringillidae 1, cf. Carduelis sp 4; Reptilia: Thamnophis sp 3; Amphibia: Ambystoma tigrinum 3, Anura 128, Bufo sp 53, Bufo hemiophrys 4, Pseudacris triseriata 35, Rana sp 52; Pisces 95, Esox lucius 1, Cyprinidae 3, Catostomidae 2, Gasterosteidae 4, Percidae 2; Class uncertain 4886

