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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. metacarpal
in a grassy basin in the Front Ranges of the Rocky Mountains, 1900 m asl, upper Red Deer River, Alberta
Map sheet
82 O/14
B. Ronaghan
Date submitted
November 10, 0098
Normalized Age
9750 ± 80
Stratigraphic component
Layer 3
cultural layer III, sandstone rubble with lithic artifacts and a few bone fragments, about 47 cm depth
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
Additional information
AMS date.
EkPu-8, James Pass Meadow: Six cultural occupation layers have been identified in this stratified deposit. The uppermost, layer VI, and the top of layer V produced points reminiscent of the Besant series. The base of layer V yielded a point resembling the Salmon River variety of the Mummy Cave series directly above a buff-coloured silt lens that may be Mazama tephra. Below the possible tephra is layer IV, consisting of lithic artifacts scattered throughout a dark red silty clay 15 cm thick. Sandstone rubble at the base of layer IV has been designated layer III, with lithic artifacts and a few bone fragments including the metacarpal dated by TO-2999. Below the rubble is a layer of brown clay with several lithic artifacts and TO-3000 in layer II. Grey-brown clay containing a few pieces of debitage represents layer I. Beneath layer I is 20 cm of light grey clay resting on bedrock. Although diagnostic artifacts are lacking these deepest layers represent Palaeoindian occupations in a high elevation grassland.

