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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison bison 4th cervical vertebra (424 g, id. by B. Hjermstad)
Moose Woods Sand Hills, 548 m asl, 15 km south of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
72 O/15h
B. Hjermstad
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
1490 ± 90
Normalized Age
1570 ± 90
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Besant; Sylvicole
kill area, unit 86s/79e, SE quad, Level 2
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison bison 11287-49
ElNp-8, Fitzgerald: The Fitzgerald site is considered to represent a single use of a bison pound and associated processing area where at least 49 bison were killed and butchered in the fall season. Four bison bones were selected for radiocarbon dating, two each from the kill and the processing area. One sample from each area was sent to Beta Analytic, Inc., and the other two were assayed by the Saskatchewan Research Council Laboratory. The two dates from Beta are nearly two centuries older than the dates from Saskatchewan, and the errors reported by the latter are about twice those of the former. Nonetheless, Hjermstad uses criteria proposed by Long and Rippeteau (1974) to argue that the four dates do not differ significantly from one another, and he presents an average of the four dates (1358 +/- 45 BP) as the best estimate for the age of the site. An AMS date, acquired by Leyden (2004) during a study of southern Saskatchewan bison palaeoecology, is in closest agreement with the oldest of the original four dates.

