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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
1.1 km west of Harris, Harris Sand Hills, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
72 O/12
W. Pendree
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
1560 ± 160
Normalized Age
1560 ± 160
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Archaic, Hanna?; anomalous, young; Archaïque moyen, anormal, jeune
Area C-3, units 173-L29 and 173-L30, basin-shaped hearth
EkNv-36, Billet: This is an extensive habitation site with several hearths, representing mainly the Hanna complex, although Oxbow materials are present in some loci. Where both are present (Area C-2), stratigraphic separation is uncertain. Area C-3 yielded Hanna material only. Radiocarbon samples were collected by W. Pendree, but details concerning sample associations have not been published, nor has any comment concerning the discrepancy between S-2053 and S-2054, both associated with a single hearth of supposed Hanna affiliation. Based on information from Pendree, Dyck (1983: Table 10.2) lists both S-2054 and S-2063 as dates on Hanna complex hearths.

