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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
8 km northwest of Swift Current, 739 m asl, South Saskatchewan valley, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
72 J/05
J.F.V. Millar
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
4235 ± 55
Normalized Age
4315 ± 60
δ13C (per mil)
Archaic, Oxbow; Archaïque
Stratigraphic component
Level 3
Level 3, western area, unit 70n/143w, black to brown sand, 40 cm thick
EcNx-4, East Pasture: This is a complex multi-component site with two excavation areas (eastern and western) that are only tentatively correlated with one another. A projectile point base from eastern area Floor I (J.S. Wilson 1972: Fig. 26c) resembles a Plains side-notched point, a type consistent with both the pottery and the radiocarbon date from this floor (S-638). S-639 was obtained for Level 2 from unit 70/143 in the western area, but no diagnostic artifacts were found in this level; Dyck (1983: 109) has suggested that this sample might date the Sandy Creek complex. Level 3 is immediately below Level 2, and unit 70/143 provided a second radiocarbon sample (S-637) attributed to the Oxbow complex. The only Oxbow point was recovered from Test Pit 18, several metres south of unit 70/143, requiring correlation between the point and the date over this distance. All three dates were based on insoluble collagen extractions from unidentified bone fragments.

