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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
in Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw River, Qu'Appelle drainage, Saskatchewan
Map sheet
72 I/05
G.C. Watson
Date submitted
July 11, 0096
Measured Age
6100 ± 100
Normalized Age
6100 ± 100
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Avonlea, anomalous, old; Sylvicole, anormal, vieux
Stratigraphic component
Level 6
Level 6, XU 22L1, fire pit extending into level 7
EcNj-7, Garratt: The Garratt site yielded three principal occupation levels and a thin scatter of bones and artifacts on a fourth level. The site was excavated in 1966 with radiocarbon samples collected by G.C. Watson, and a detailed analysis was prepared by Morgan (1979). A plow zone was defined as Level 1, and underlying undisturbed materials as Level 2, but they were treated as a single late prehistoric component that yielded two Plains side-notched, 19 Prairie side-notched, and eight Plains triangular points (Morgan 1979: 263-267). Level 4 produced one Prairie side-notched point (Morgan 1979: 317). Level 6 contained 19 Avonlea side-notched, 29 Avonlea triangular, one Besant side-notched, and one unclassified point (Morgan 1979: 318-323). "Carbon" from a fire pit extending from Level 6 into Level 7 yielded an anomalous age (S-407). Level 8 contained three Besant side-notched points (Morgan 1979: 366) and yielded a radiocarbon date (S-409). The date list reports the Garratt series as charcoal samples but omits S-407. In Morgan's (1979: 246) listing, S-408 is misprinted as 2180 +/- 60 BP.

