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Canada / SK / DhMn-1 (Oxbow Dam) / S-3644
- Lab number
- S-3644
- Material dated
- bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
- Taxa dated
- Bison sp. tibia (321.4 g)
- Locality
- lowest terrace of the Souris River valley, 520 m asl, near the Oxbow Dam, Saskatchewan
- Map sheet
- 62 E/01
- Submitter
- D.C. Green
- Date submitted
- June 29, 0098
- Measured Age
- 6810 ± 90
- Normalized Age
- 6985 ± 90
- δ13C (per mil)
- -14.0
- Significance
- culture?
- Stratigraphic component
- Level 7
- Context
- Level 7, unit 98N/29E, southeast quadrant, 153 cm below datum
- Associated taxa
- Mammalia: Bison bison 24-2, Spermophilus richardsoni cf. 1-1
- Comments
- DhMn-1, Oxbow Dam: Charcoal was collected from a large hearth in a paleosol overlain by 9.5 feet (2.9 m) of silt and soil. Some of the five recovered projectile points were in the hearth. Although this is the Oxbow type site, the projectile points have been interpreted as representing late Mummy Cave "at the threshold of the Oxbow complex" (Dyck 1983: 92) or early Oxbow (Walker 1980; Spurling and Ball 1981: Table 3). Nero and McCorquodale (1958: 88) noted the similarity between these points and those from Long Creek, Level 8. S-44 is one of the earliest yet obtained on an Oxbow component. The site has been restudied by D'Arcy Green who has found as many as six palaeosols in a very complex stratigraphic sequence. The oldest diagnostic artifacts found by Green belong to the Oxbow complex and are dated by S-3648. A much older date, S-3644, was determined for an artifact-bearing level just below the Oxbow level, but no diagnostic artifacts were found in the older deposit. Green believes that S-44 is not reliably associated with the Oxbow complex and may have contained a mixture of charcoal from the Oxbow level and the level beneath it.