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Lab number
Material dated
Type of date
Prince Rupert Area, W side of Kaien Island, ca. 800 m S from Casey Point, along shoreline W of CNR tracks; By car from downtown Prince Rupert, SW along Hwy 16 toward BC ferry terminal; turn left on Scott Road before terminal to Fairview Superport parking lot. Proceed on foot S along CNR mainline beyond Casey Point. Midden extends from signpost mile 91 on CN
Date uploaded
February 14, 2020
Normalized Age
770 ± 30
δ13C (per mil)
Stratigraphic component
Mountain Goat
At GbTo-54, the cultural deposits ranged from thin drapes of midden, similar to those at GbTo-13, to complex shell midden almost 2 m deep. The cultural deposits were discontinuous which has allowed for post-excavation numbering of the contiguous areas (Figure 7). Shelly deposits often overlay cultural deposits with little or shell. Large features, which are discussed separately in this report, were often defined stratigraphically, in both vertical and horizontal dimensions.

