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Lab number
Material dated
wood; bois
east of the western tip of the peninsula bordering McLelan Strait and Young fjord, east coast of Ungava Bay, Nunavik, Nouveau-Québec region, Québec
Map sheet
25 A/07
W. Fitzhugh
Date submitted
December 15, 0097
Normalized Age
400 ± 60
Neoeskimo, Thule; Néoesquimau, Thuléen
unit I-110-1, lower baleen zone, pre-contact Thule midden
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Phoca sp, Odobenus rosmarus, Ursus maritimus, Rangifer tarandus, Canis familiaris, Vulpes vulpes, Balaena mysticetus; Aves
JcDe-1, Nunaingok 1: This site contains Pre-Dorset, Dorset, Thule, historic and modern Inuit material. The Palaeoeskimo occupations are badly disturbed by the historic uses of the site. Investigations by Fitzhugh and colleagues were followed by additional work by the Avataq Cultural Institute. A comment by Jordan concerns the two dates that correspond to the Dorset period: SI-3364 and the associated tools from this layer are consistent with a Middle Dorset occupation. SI-3366 was originally thought to date the base of the Thule baleen layer, but the age of this sample may indicate that it dates the uppermost Dorset layer. Unfortunately, no diagnostic Palaeoeskimo tools were recovered from this test pit, so that it is not possible to evaluate this date with any further specificity. In any event, the date falls within the late Middle Dorset to early Late Dorset period.

