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Lab number
Material dated
walrus bone collagen; collagène osseux de morse
Taxa dated
Odobenus rosmarus cranium (1600 mg, id. by C.R. Harington)
Sainte-Julienne-de-Montcalm area, 60 km north of Montréal, Montréal region, St. Lawrence lowland, Québec
Map sheet
31 H/13
C.R. Harington
Date submitted
July 28, 0098
Normalized Age
10500 ± 60
palaeobiology, Champlain Sea; Palébiologie, Mer Champlain
reddish clay deposited in the Champlain Sea
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Odobenus rosmarus
Additional information
AMS date. The age reported by Bouchard, et al. (10,090 +/- 60 BP) reflects a marine reservoir correction of 410 years.
BlFk-VP: This is the first report of walrus remains from Champlain Sea deposits west of Québec City. In addition to TO-2224 on walrus bone, a date of 10,800 +/- 60 BP (TO-2225) was obtained on a valve of the marine mollusc Macoma balthica that was found in clay adhering to the interorbital region of the walrus cranium. The discrepancy between the two dates is attributed to the mollusc shell having been redeposited.

