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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
whale bone collagen; collagène osseux de baleine
Taxa dated
Balaena mysticetus humerus (id. by C.R. Harington)
south side of Hanson's gravel pit, 170 m asl, 2.1 km west of the town of White Lake, Ottawa drainage, Renfrew County, Ontario
Map sheet
31 F/07
C.R. Harington
Date submitted
April 9, 0098
Normalized Age
11500 ± 90
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology, Champlain Sea; paléobiologie, Mer Champlain
a fresh exposure of dry oxidized sand, overlain by about 3 m of sand and 2.5 m of gravel, the sample cored from the centre of the bone
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Balaena mysticetus
BiGd-VP, White Lake: Harington finds that GSC-2269 is a reasonable date for the position of the fossil on a high shoreline of the Champlain Sea. The age marks the early, deep cold water phase of the sea. Several other bones, probably from the same whale, have been recovered from Hanson's gravel pit.

