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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
Taxa dated
(14 g)
rapids on Ausable River, 15 km inland from Lake Huron, West Williams Township, Middlesex County, Ontario
Map sheet
40 P/04
I. Kenyon
Date submitted
April 9, 0097
Normalized Age
2100 ± 80
Middle Woodland, Saugeen; Sylvicole moyen
Stratigraphic component
Component 2
Unit 2, middle stratum
Associated taxa
Mammalia 1, Odocoileus virginianus 2, Tamias striatus 1; Pisces 2, Catostomus sp 1309, Stizostedion vitreum 6
Additional information
The listed fauna is from unit 83:3.
AgHk-4, Wyoming Rapids: A small Early Woodland component yielded deer bone and walnut shell along with parts of two ceramic vessels. A more extensive Middle Woodland component contained large quantities of fish bones, nearly all from suckers, that may have been procured during the spring to early summer spawning run. Among the predominant Saugeen pottery were a few vessels of the Couture complex.

