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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
Taxa dated
(57 g)
Thames River, city of London (formerly Westminster Township), 271 m asl, Middlesex County, Ontario
Map sheet
40 I/14
D.R. Poulton
Date submitted
April 7, 0097
Measured Age
1195 ± 75
Normalized Age
1195 ± 75
δ13C (per mil)
Middle Woodland, Saugeen; Sylvicole moyen
Stratigraphic component
Component 1
Midden 303, Sq. 490-240, subsq 10, Layer 5, 28-36 cm depth, the basal layer of a stratified two-component midden
AfHh-2, Pond Mills: Four radiocarbon samples were submitted with the site described as having two components, a Saugeen occupation underlying a major early prehistoric Neutral occupation. Except for S-2541, Poulton found the dates acceptable, and he speculated that S-2541 could conceivably pertain to an unrecognized Glen Meyer occupation. S-2542 indicates a late persistence of the Saugeen complex, while S-2540 and S-2544 suggest that the major occupation of the site should be attributed to late Middleport peoples. Lennox and Fitzgerald list the site as a 15th century Neutral agricultural cabin.

