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Lab number
Material dated
charcoal; charbon de bois
10 km east of London, within the village of Dorchester, North Dorchester Township, on Dorchester Swamp Creek, a tributary of the Thames River, Middlesex County, Ontario
Map sheet
40 I/14
W.A. Fox
Date submitted
February 28, 0097
Normalized Age
860 ± 80
Late Woodland, Glen Meyer; Sylvicole supérieur
Feature 147, Layer 5, assigned to Early phase
Associated taxa
Mammalia 4671, Leporidae 3, Tamias striatus 17, Marmota monax 1, Castor canadensis 12, Ondatra zibethicus 1, Microtus pennsylvanicus 2, Erethizon dorsatum 2, Carnivora 1, Ursus americanus 9, Procyon lotor 31, Mustelidae 3, Cervidae 14, Odocoileus virginianus 2119; Aves Reptilia Pisces cultigen Flora
Additional information
The fauna and flora listed here represent the Early phase of the village. Carbonized wood (grams) is from one Early phase feature and House 1.
AfHg-1, Calvert: Timmins (1997) distinguishes four episodes of occupation in this Glen Meyer phase site: 1. House 1, a single house, was used as a seasonal hunting camp in the mid-twelfth century; 2. Early phase: a village consisting of three longhouses and a small shed, surrounded by a single row palisade, occupied for about 20 years in the early thirteenth century; 3. Middle phase: houses dismantled and rebuilt in an east-west orientation, surrounded by a contracted double-row palisade, occupied for about 20 years in the early to mid-thirteenth century; 4. Late phase: removal of houses, construction of three or four smaller east-west oriented houses, possibly surrounded by a single palisade, occupied, perhaps intermittently, for about 20 years in the mid-thirteenth century. Vertebrate remains are reported separately for these episodes with many specimens being unassignable to a particular episode. Fauna: Aves 23, Tetraoninae 4, Meleagris gallopavo 13, Passerina sp 1; Reptilia: Testudines 2, Chrysemys picta 1; Pisces 61, Salmonidae 4, Salvelinus sp 1, Cyprinidae 1, Catostomidae 181, Catostomus sp 12, Ictaluridae 7, Ictalurus nebulosus 1, Ictalurus punctatus 1, Perca flavescens 2, Micropterus salmoides 1, Stizostedion vitreum 1; cultigen: Zea mays 1371, Cucurbita pepo 6, Helianthus annuus 3, Nicotiana rustica 10; Flora: Chenopodium hybridum 2, Chenopodium berlandieri 18, Digitaria sp 1, Polygonum sp 15, Panicum sp 13, Portulaca oleracea 32, Agropyron sp 6, Elymus sp 2, Gramineae 21, Solanum nigrum 45, Rubus sp 49, Crataegus sp 7, Fragaria sp 44, Galium sp 32, Ranunculaceae 1, Compositae 6, Carex sp 3, Cyperaceae 1, Asclepias sp 7, Linum sp 1, Rhus typhina 83, Typha sp 773, Oenothera sp 1, Mitella sp 1, Rosaceae 3, Vicia sp 1, unidentified 137, Equisetum sp 4, Fagus grandifolia 40.37, Juglans sp 0.16, Juglans nigra 0.04, Acer saccharum 16.14, Ulmus sp 0.05, Ulmus americana 11.18, Fraxinus sp 1.93, Betula sp 1.04, Acer sp 0.37, Ostrya virginiana 0.07, Pinus sp 0.09, unidentified 1.50
