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Lab number
Material dated
mammoth bone collagen; collagène osseux de mammouth
Taxa dated
Mammuthus sp. tusk (CMN-6747, id. by C.R. Harington)
near Muirkirk, Kent County, Ontario
Map sheet
40 J/10
C.R. Harington
Date submitted
August 16, 0099
Measured Age
6440 ± 60
Normalized Age
6510 ± 60
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology, anomalous, young; paléobiologie, anormal, jeune
excavated from the Ridgetown Island moraine
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Mammuthus sp
Additional information
Other elements of this skeleton are dated by Beta-17869 (8310 +/- 200) and GrA-22177 (12130 +/- 80).
AdHq-VP, Muirkirk: Two mammoth locations are on the Ridgetown Island Moraine which was submerged by Lake Whittlesey but exposed above subsequent Lake Warren. Both finds probably date to after 12,700 years BP, but Beta-17869 and Beta-115209, on one of them, are considered to be anomalously young.
