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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp. skull (438 g, id. by M.C. Wilson)
building excavation at the southwest corner of 4th Avenue and 5th Street S.W., 1045 m asl, downtown Calgary, Bow Valley, Alberta
Map sheet
82 O/01
A.M. Stalker
Date submitted
March 8, 0098
Normalized Age
10200 ± 280
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
cross-bedded sand and gravel, Bighill Creek Formation, 3 m below street level, 5 m above the Bow River
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
EgPm-VP, Aquitaine Pit: The pit for the basement of a building owned by Aquitaine Company of Canada revealed two sets of cross-bedded sand and gravels, part of the Bighill Creek Formation, and yielded part of a female bison skeleton from the upper set. GSC-3065 is slightly more recent than other dates from this formation, but it is within reasonable bounds.
