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Lab number
Material dated
narwhal bone collagen; collagène osseux de narval
Taxa dated
Monodon monoceros tusk
24 km east-northeast of Cape Woods, 34 m asl, Wotton Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
340 F/06
D.J.A. Evans
Date submitted
July 17, 0098
Normalized Age
7240 ± 50
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
soliflucted glaciomarine diamicton
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Monodon monoceros
Additional information
The lab reported an age of 6830 +/- 50, corrected to C-13 = 0 parts per mil. The normalized age was calculated by adding 410 years to the mean.
UbHq-VP: The marine limit is at 52 m, and the sample was at 34 m asl. Deglaciation occurred after 8500 BP. The site is 1 km north of a floating glacier terminus. The tusk was 125 cm long, and excess sample is preserved at the Canadian Museum of Nature.

