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Lab number
Material dated
whale bone collagen; collagène osseux de baleine
Taxa dated
Balaena mysticetus otic capsule (id. by A.S. Dyke and C.R. Harington)
40 m asl, northeast coast of Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
560 A/10
A.S. Dyke
Date submitted
August 25, 0098
Measured Age
7475 ± 220
Normalized Age
7635 ± 220
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
turf-covered mound on a raised beach overlooking Nansen Sound
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Balaena mysticetus
TeJi-VP: A bowhead cranium was found 26 m downslope from the main skeleton, on a soliflucting surface. The skeleton was not articulated, "but there was a rough order in which the vertebrae were scattered out over a distance of ~19 metres." Subsequent studies have found no supporting evidence that a bowhead whale population was established so far north during the early Holocene. Dyke and England (n.d.) conclude that this record "must presently be seen, if the age determination is accurate, as the result of a brief exceptional condition, perhaps one warm summer, or perhaps as the stranding of a far-rafted carcass locked in sea ice."

