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Lab number
Material dated
willow charcoal; charbon de saule
Taxa dated
Salix sp.
on Knud Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
39 G/01
P. Schledermann
Date submitted
October 31, 0097
Normalized Age
3440 ± 50
Palaeoeskimo, Predorset; Paléoesquimau; Prédorsétien
dwelling feature 2, 20 m asl
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Lepus arcticus, Alopex lagopus, Odobenus rosmarus, Phoca sp; Aves, Somateria sp
SgFm-6, Ridge: The dwelling feature produced a large number of diagnostic artifacts indicating a late Predorset period of occupation. The submitted sample included charred wood, charred bone and uncharred bone, from which charred bone was selected for GSC-2827. The bone was suspected to represent sea mammals, the principal economic resource of the area, but the 13C ratio suggests terrestrial mammal origin. Charred willow dated by TO-1638 gave an older age. Both dates are outside the 900-1100 BC range suggested by cross-references to other dated sites.

