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Lab number
Material dated
willow charcoal; charbon de saule
Taxa dated
Salix sp. (id. by R.J. Mott)
on Knud Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
39 G/01
P. Schledermann
Date submitted
October 31, 0097
Measured Age
1160 ± 60
Normalized Age
1150 ± 60
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien
Stratigraphic component
Row 1
hearth row 1, unit 3, 11-16 m asl
Additional information
5.1 g, 60 pieces, some with bark.
SgFm-3, Longhouse: A series of joined cooking features, often in rows 30-40 m in length, was located near extensive communal dwellings on the site. The contemporaneity of several hearths was tested by dating samples of charred willow wood, omitting spruce wood and charred bone (GSC-2757, GSC-2834, GSC-3141). Two bone samples were sent to the Geochron lab. A separate component on this site is termed the "Early Dorset Ridge" and is dated by a sample of charred bone (GSC-3262). The bone is presumed to represent sea mammals, but the 13C ratio is unusual for any kind of bone and is far-removed from the ratio for sea mammal bones. BM-1754 is a surface find dated to establish the rate of weathering in the Arctic environment.

