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Lab number
Material dated
charred bone collagen; collagène osseux carbonisé
on a gravel terrace 22 m asl, near Digarmulen Point, Thorvald Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
39 E/13
P. Schledermann
Date submitted
October 31, 0097
Measured Age
3960 ± 90
Normalized Age
3970 ± 90
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, AST; Paléoesquimau, Microlithique de l'Arctique
stone-covered hearth feature
Additional information
22 g after pretreatment, mixed with dead gas for counting.
SfFl-2, Digarmulen: The sampled hearth feature was the first located evidence of early Arctic Small Tool tradition in this area. The site elevation and date from GSC-2576 are fairly close to another ASTt sample from the region (GSC-3261) with the driftwood supplying a maximum limit for the age of the site. A charred bone sample (GSC-2646) from the Digarmulen hearth was thought to consist of sea mammal bone, although the 13C ratio suggests that it represents a terrestrial mammal.

