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Lab number
Material dated
charred bone collagen; collagène osseux carbonisé
50 m north of the main site on Skraeling Island, 3-4 m asl, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
39 E/13
P. Schledermann
Date submitted
October 31, 0097
Measured Age
950 ± 50
Normalized Age
980 ± 50
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien
feature 5, a hearth in a tent ring about 120 m north of the main site
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Alopex lagopus, Odobenus rosmarus, Phoca sp
SfFk-18, Oldsquaw: It represents the latest evidence of Dorset occupation in the area. Two dates imply that this occupation occurred close in time to the initial Thule Inuit presence in the region. Although Schledermann considered the bone dated by GSC-3406 to be that of a sea mammal, the 13C ratio suggests a terrestrial origin.

