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Lab number
Material dated
conifer charcoal; charbon de conifère
Taxa dated
Picea sp. or Larix sp. (id. by R.J. Mott)
300 m inland from the present shore of Johan Peninsula, 27-29 m asl, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
39 E/13
P. Schledermann
Date submitted
October 31, 0097
Measured Age
3450 ± 90
Normalized Age
3450 ± 90
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, AST; Paléoesquimau, Microlithique de l'Arctique
driftwood beneath boiling stones in a hearth feature
Additional information
3.7 g after pretreatment, mixed with dead gas for counting.
SfFj-20, Hearth: An Arctic Small Tool tradition hearth feature is located near a cliff outcrop which would have been accessible to the sea only at a time when the coastline was submerged 20-25 m below its present level. The sheltered hearth probably reflects summer season activity. Numerous pieces of charcoal greater than 1 cm in length were determined to be coniferous wood, and no willow was included in GSC-3596.

