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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
whale bone collagen; collagène osseux de baleine
Taxa dated
Balaena mysticetus periotic (id. by A.S. Dyke)
Cape Martyr, Resolute Bay, 49 m asl, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
58 F/11
A.S. Dyke
Date submitted
August 21, 0098
Measured Age
8250 ± 100
Normalized Age
8375 ± 100
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
gravel on a raised beach overlooking Barrow Strait
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Balaena mysticetus
QeJu-VP: The left periotic bone (ball-shaped part only) was collected from a bowhead skull, originally 90% buried ventral side up in medium beach gravel. The stem of the periotic bone was left in the skull. The slightly weathered skull is 254 cm wide. It had previously been partly excavated, presumably by local people; part of the temporal process has been sawed off, probably for carving bone. The only previous date on a bowhead whale bone (vertebra) from Resolute Bay is GSC-1193, 7570 +/- 140 BP, collected from a site at about 50 m altitude. The skull from which the present ear bone sample was collected may be from the same animal, but no vertebrae were seen at the site. However, it is probable that other bones from this whale may have been removed for carving material. Samples of carbonate and granitoid clasts were collected from the beach by Dr Jeffery Klein, University of Pennsylvania, for "exposure" dating using Beryllium-10.

