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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
walrus bone collagen; collagène osseux de morse
Taxa dated
Odobenus rosmarus mandible (695.5 g, NMC-34510-B, id. by C.R. Harington)
10 km south-southwest of Cape Anne, 103 m asl, Somerset Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
58 F/03
A.S. Dyke
Date submitted
February 20, 0098
Normalized Age
2450 ± 180
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
gravelly sand, 103 m asl
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Odobenus rosmarus
Additional information
NaOH leach omitted; re-dating of S-1392.
QaJu-VP: Walrus bones were collected from a 10-20 square metre area that was poorly vegetated. The skull was one-third embedded, and other bones were more completely buried. GSC-3081 agrees closely with a previous date (S-1392; 2420 +/- 65 BP; Dyke, 1979) on a tusk from the same collection. The GSC determination was carried out as an inter-laboratory check. Dyke noted that the high elevation, about 103 m, implied an age of about 9500-9000 BP. Thus the animal must have crawled inland and died well away from shore.

