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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
whale bone collagen; collagène osseux de baleine
Taxa dated
Balaena mysticetus periotic (id. by A.S. Dyke)
6.1 km north-northeast of Cape Home, Croker Bay, 13 m asl, Lancaster Sound coast of Devon Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
48 E/12
A.S. Dyke
Date submitted
August 21, 0098
Measured Age
9920 ± 180
Normalized Age
10055 ± 180
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
gravel and peat on a raised beach overlooking Lancaster Sound
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Balaena mysticetus
Additional information
Not shown in MAH, because it appears under ice due to the interval chosen for mapping.
QdHk-VP: Periotic bones were collected from both sides of a bowhead skull 99% buried sideways in coarse beach gravel capped by peat. Elevation based on one altimeter measurement with 50 minutes between readings at site and at datum (camp). The site plots just below the 20 m contour on the 1:50000 topographic map which is related to mean sea level. In light of the long time interval in the altimetry, 13 m would seem to be too low for the sample elevation; 15 to 18 m is more reasonable.

