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Lab number
Field number
CMC- 389
Material dated
sea mammal bone collagen; collagène osseux de mammifères marins
on the west coast of Navy Board Inlet, 6.5 m asl, northern Baffin Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
48 D/01
G. Mary-Rousselière
Date submitted
August 25, 0097
Measured Age
2725 ± 140
Normalized Age
2885 ± 140
δ13C (per mil)
Palaeoeskimo, Dorset; Paléoesquimau, Dorsétien
old tent ring, 10-15 cm depth
Additional information
Mary-Rousselière gives the Borden number PgHb-3.
PgHb-7, Arnakadlak: This is a Predorset-Dorset transitional site, with several Thule houses and old-looking tent rings at 1-3 m asl. The first dates obtained were much too late (S-1208) or possibly unreliable because marine mammal bone was used (S-591). Father Rousselière comments on S-2883: "Though I had noted that the stone artifacts looked much closer to Predorset than to Dorset, I had tentatively accepted the 2725 BP date (S-591) for the following reasons: 2 of the 3 harpoon heads from the site are of types found by Meldgaard at levels (23 m and 25 m) roughly corresponding to that date. Moreover the burins, and especially the "mini-burins," found at Arnakadlak were very similar to those from Nunguvik 46 (ca. 400 BC). I now believe that the 2 rare types of harpoon heads may have been in use for a much longer period, as well as the burins, and I accept the new date (S-2883)."

