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Lab number
Field number
Material dated
narwhal bone collagen; collagène osseux de narval
Taxa dated
Monodon monoceros tusk (id. by A.S. Dyke)
Vista River valley, northwest of Kakiak Point, east coast of Brodeur Peninsula, Admiralty Inlet, northwest Baffin Island, Nunavut
Map sheet
48 B/11
A.S. Dyke
Date submitted
September 9, 0098
Normalized Age
8340 ± 60
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
surface collection on raised beach gravel, 22 m asl, overlooking Admiralty Inlet
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Monodon
PeHu-VP: This sample consists of two unerupted female narwhal tusks encased in skull fragments on the surface of raised beach gravel. Most degraded bone was removed at the site. Tusks are fragile and exfoliating. There is some risk that this animal was dragged inland by a bear as the bones were not enclosed in beach material.
