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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
combined sample of bones from two bluffs on opposite banks of the South Saskatchewan River, 670 m asl, about 11 km north of Medicine Hat, Alberta
Map sheet
72 L/02
A.M. Stalker
Date submitted
May 26, 0098
Measured Age
5540 ± 250
Normalized Age
5620 ± 250
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
same bed of sand and gravel on both banks of the river, about 100' above the river, beneath 60-180' of drift, mostly till, composite from two bluffs
EaOp-VP, Mitchell and Island Bluffs: The source bed contained mammal remains and chert fragments that may have been worked by people. GSC-802 was expected to be beyond the range of radiocarbon dating, and the reason for the young age is not known. During preparation, the bones were washed in Gelva, an organic compound that could have been a source of contamination. GSC-780 (>30,000 BP) came from the same bed at Mitchell Bluff and is thought a better indication of the age of the sand and gravel.

