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Lab number
Material dated
bison bone collagen; collagène osseux de bison
Taxa dated
Bison sp.
west side of gully tributary to the northeast bank of the South Saskatchewan River, 685 m asl, about 11 km north of Medicine Hat, Alberta
Map sheet
72 L/02
A.M. Stalker
Date submitted
May 26, 0098
Measured Age
0 ± 140
Normalized Age
0 ± 140
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
deposits unlike others at the same level, about 120' above the river, 150' below the prairie level
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Bison sp
EaOp-VP, Island Bluff: Bones from this site had previously been identified as Bison occidentalis? and considered older than topographically higher classical Wisconsinan till sheets. However, the bones appeared too fresh for the implied age, and the enclosing material different from deposits at the same level elsewhere. GSC-704 confirms that the enclosing material is slumped, and it throws doubt on the reported presence of Bison occidentalis.

