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Lab number
Material dated
saiga bone collagen; collagène osseux de saïga
Taxa dated
Saiga tartarica cranium (CMN-12090, id. by C.R. Harington)
eastern shore of Baillie Islands, Northwest Territories
Map sheet
107 E/09
C.R. Harington
Date submitted
July 7, 0098
Normalized Age
14920 ± 160
palaeobiology; paléobiologie
a beach surface
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Saiga tartarica
Additional information
AMS date: ETH-3896
OdTa-VP: In addition to the dated hornsheath, a humerus and a mandible from the same locality are referred to Bison sp. These are the northernmost records of bison in Canada. The dated saiga fossil is the most northeasterly example of its species in Canada. Other taxa found on the beach at this locality imply environmental change from a cool loess steppe (e.g., woolly mammoth, horse, caribou, bison, saiga, and muskox) to a marine coastal environment (e.g., bowhead whale, ringed seal, polar bear). However, the difference in ages between the two dated bones shows that this deposit is a palimpsest that has developed over many millennia.

