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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
on the lowest terrace of Trout Creek, a small second-order tributary of Oldman River, flowing east from the Porcupine Hills, near Claresholm, Alberta
Map sheet
82 H/13
W.J. Byrne
Date submitted
February 15, 0098
Measured Age
1325 ± 120
Normalized Age
1405 ± 120
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Avonlea; Sylvicole
Stratigraphic component
Level 1
level 1
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
DlPk-3, Trout Creek: It is just north of the Morkin site (DlPk-2), on the opposite creek bank. This is a buried multicomponent campsite. Level 1, said to contain Avonlea material, is potentially mixed by compressed stratigraphy and disturbed by plowing. Level 2 contains a Besant component, but it is doubtful that the two levels were adequately separated.

