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Lab number
Material dated
bone collagen; collagène osseux
on the lowest terrace of Trout Creek, a small second-order tributary of Oldman River, flowing east from the Porcupine Hills, near Claresholm, Alberta
Map sheet
82 H/13
W.J. Byrne
Date submitted
February 15, 0098
Measured Age
560 ± 210
Normalized Age
640 ± 210
δ13C (per mil)
Woodland, Avonlea, anomalous, young; Sylvicole, anormal, jeune
Stratigraphic component
Level 4
level 4
Additional information
It is assumed that this date was not corrected previously for isotopic fractionation.
DlPk-2, Morkin: This is a buried multicomponent campsite with poorly defined stratigraphic layers that were difficult to follow during excavation. The sequence had also been disturbed by construction of numerous aboriginal prepared hearths and refuse pits. Byrne struggled to define five levels with named cultural affiliations, as illustrated by the frequencies of projectile point types (see Byrne, 1973: Table 4). Despite the stratigraphic problems, the radiocarbon dates reflect a reasonably coherent sequence if GX-2058 is ignored.

