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Lab number
Material dated
mammoth? bone collagen; collagène osseux de mammouth
Taxa dated
Mammuthus sp.? (NaVl-7: 1, id. by C.R. Harington)
left bank of Old Crow River, on the outside of the third bend below the mouth of Timber Creek, 275 m asl, 195.4 km above the river mouth, Porcupine drainage, northern Yukon Territory
Map sheet
117 A/04
R.E. Morlan
Date submitted
April 28, 0097
Normalized Age
25620 ± 300
δ13C (per mil)
palaeobiology, artifact?; paléobiologie, artefact?
surface of point bar
Associated taxa
Mammalia: Mammuthus sp?
Additional information
AMS date. Collagen extraction method 2.
NaVl-7, Old Crow River Locality CRH-87: One proboscidean limb bone fragment has been interpreted as a bone core with a retouched platform remnant (Morlan, 1980: Pl. 4.11). It is one of three specimens that produced problematic results from accelerator mass spectrometry dating.

